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Friday, January 9, 2015

Use of VMS

1. A central transaction code Tcode VELO - by using this tcode, we can execute
    the following 3 major business process
       a) configure new vehicles
       b) search existing vehicle records
       c) execute the steps in the business process

2. All of the ERP documents can be executed from tcode VELO
      (purchase order, sales order, invoice, goods  movements, service orders, financial postings,
      production  orders, etc.).

     Or else the user could go to standard transaction codes defined for each  document type
     (e.g. ME21N for purchase orders,  VA01 for sales  orders, CO01 for production orders,
     ad naseum, ad naseum).  User needs to be remember only one tcode VELO and no need
     to remember all others tcodes

3. Using VELO to execute the business process has the added benefit of controlling the
    sequence in which these documents are created. While ERP also requires a logical flow
    of the documents (e.g. can’t post a goods issue before goods receipt), VMS offers even
    tighter control over the sequence of steps in the business process.

4. when the ERP documents are created through VELO, they can all be linked to the
    vehicle record.  This makes is much easier to search for, and review, all the documents
    created for the vehicle, from a single source.

5. Table VLCVEHICLE - a central data table to capture all information for all vehicles
    for all time. Every vehicle managed in VMS has a unique record created in this data table. 
    This table stores every possible attribute (SAP standard and Custom added) that captures
    information about this unique vehicle.  For example, the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN),
    the Manufacturing Plant, the Allocated Dealer, the Gross List Price, the Planned Delivery Date,
    and Current Status are all standard attributes that can be used for search and reporting.

    This table can be linked to other data tables to capture the vehicle configuration
    (exterior color, interior color, engine, etc.), additional data elements (serial number of
    installed assemblies, tracking numbers, quality comments), and the ERP documents created
    as the vehicle progressed through the business process.

   This table also offers an attribute for vehicle location.  This field is independent of a plant or
   storage location and can be freely defined and freely updated.  In ERP, if a vehicle moves
   from one location to another, a material document is required to record this transfer.  In VMS,
   updating the location is just an update, so no material movement is required.  And because these
   locations are freely definable, any value can be maintained so that VMS can accurately track
   the vehicle moves from an external OEM vendor to the port to the to the Pacific Ocean to
   the port to the rail yard to the trailer to the importer lot to the dealer to the end customer.


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