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Monday, November 24, 2014

Control Data

Configuration 6


Define Actions

We use this Configuration step to first check the VMS actions that are offered as standard. We then can define additional actions if we need them for our processes.

The actions offered as standard cover many standard processes from areas such as Purchasing, Sales and Distribution, Service, and Finances/Controlling that are normal for vehicle handling.
Distribution of actions into primary and/or secondary actions is based on a concept, whereby primary actions are defined as purchasing actions and secondary actions as sales actions.

If need additional actions, do this:

1. If the action should only change the internal status of a vehicle, you can simply enter it in the table.
2. If the action should also execute a function, follow the procedure described in write own actions in the document for IMG activity program actions .
3. If you do not want to use the proposed schedule line of actions in primary and secondary actions but want to have a schedule line according to another concept, change the corresponding indicators here.
4. You can also link multiple elementary actions to an interlinking actions. This has the advantage that you can later link multiple actions in one operation.
5. To do this enter the action in the table, select the action and choose interlinking actions. Now enter the elementary actions that we want to assign in the table. The sequence number is used to control the execution sequence.
6. We can specify all elementary actions from the action table that make business sense.
7. If we make changes to fields internal action, primary action, and secondary action, the changes are automatically transferred to the identical fields of IMG activity Define Technical Data for Actions and vice versa.
We can also define which action sequences lead to which status sequences in IMG activity Determine Action Controls and Define Actions Matrices.


Configuration 5

Vehicle Search

1. Define Search Views
In this Configuration Step, we define customer-specific search views, which we can use for the vehicle search in the transaction VELO in addition to the VMS standard search views.

2. Define Fields for TREX Download
In this Configuration step, we define the vehicle data that are downloaded in the SAP search engine TREX or another external search engine.
We can enter all fields in the table VLCVEHICLE, including customer-specific fields from Appends.
This search engine provides a quick and adjustable search for vehicles in the transaction VELO in addition to the normal database search.

3. Vehicle Search Areas
 3(1) Define Sharing Level
 3(2) Define Vehicle Search Areas
 3(3) Catagory Rule Maintenance
 3(4) Define Vehicle Categories
 3(5) Assign Roles and Vehicle Categories

 3(1) Define Sharing Level
We use this Configuration step to define the sharing levels that we need for your business processes.
The following is a list of possible sharing level values: Invisible,automatically available, available but only with permission transferrable (in the event that the dealer is already the vehicle owner)

3(2) Define Vehicle Search Areas
In this Configuration step we define the vehicle search areas that we require for your business processes and, where necessary, assign a default sharing level to them.

3(3) Catagory Rule Maintenance
We must only execute this Configuration setting once when implementing VMS, if we want to work with vehicle search areas, sharing levels, and vehicle categories.
When starting the activity, settings will be made in the VSR application (Validation, Substitution, Rules), that are VMS relevant, and in particular relevant for category management.

3(4) Define Vehicle Categories
We use this Configuration step to define Categories for a Vehicle Search. We set vehicle categories during the vehicle search to limit the search results (hit list).These rules relate to the properties of a vehicle found or the properties of the individual searching for the vehicle. If at least one of the rules belonging to this category is true, a category is assigned to the vehicle (and the vehicle appears in the hit list), if the rule is false, a category is not assigned (the vehicle does not appear in the vehicle search hit list). If it is not possible to assign a category, the vehicle is not displayed in the hit list for the vehicle search.

3(5) Assign Roles and Vehicle Categories
We use this Configuration step to assign and prioritize specific combinations of vehicle search area and VMS organization role categories. This determines the sequence for processing categories during the vehicle search. The vehicle search user makes use of the VMS role to name the geographical or organizational location of the vehicle search area where he is searching.

Dialog Messages

Configuration 4

Assign Own Dialog Messages

In VMS, Actions call up various BAPIs and SAP ECC standard function modules that provide messages that are inappropriate for the context, or messages of types, that are unsuitable for VMS.

We can use this configuration to set it so that a different message will be issued or the message type will be changed with a specific combination of action, message class, and message.

If a different message should be issued, it will not be possible to fill the variables.

Org Roles

Configuration 3

Define Comprehensive Organizational Roles

In this Customizing activity, we can define VMS organizational roles as comprehensive organizational roles. A comprehensive organizational role offers dealer portal users the possibility to work with several organizational roles.
When a comprehensive organizational role is assigned to dealer portal users,  they can decide in the dealer portal Personalization screen which organizational role to choose for the current situation.
1. Define a VMS role in the Customizing activity Define VMS Roles.
2. Define this VMS role as organizational role using transaction VELORO, but without assigning organizational data to it (organizational data would not be taken into account).
3. Define the organizational role as comprehensive organizational role in this Customizing activity, and assign organizational roles to this comprehensive organizational role.
4. Assign the comprehensive organizational role to dealer portal users using transaction VELORU.


Configuration 2

Define VMS Roles

We can use this activity to define Roles in the VMS.

In VMS basic data,
We assign vehicle model to VMS roles (transaction VELORM).
Also assign organizational data to VMS roles (transaction VELORO) and
Define each configuration change profile and assign a role to it (transaction VELOP).
In the last step we assign roles to each user (transaction VELORU).

It is possible to assign one or more roles to vehicle models, but only one role can be assigned to organizational data, and only one to the configuration change profile.

Roles work in the following way:
In VMS, each user can only edit the vehicle model that is explicitly assigned to him (from a role that uses vehicle models).

The organizational data explicitly assigned to a user (from a role that uses organizational data) guarantees that the user is working for this concrete organization. Organizational data is still used on the action interface as default values.

The configuration change profile roles control which configurations a user is permitted to change (such as the sales order configuration or purchase order configuration). An importer for example, is permitted to change more configurations than a dealer.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Number Ranges

Configuration 1

Determine Number Ranges for Internal Vehicle Number

We use number range IMG activities to define the number ranges for the different Vehicle Management System (VMS) objects.

Number ranges are plant and customer-dependent.

The standard interval, or in other words, the interval that is active by default and must therefore exist, is interval 01 for all number ranges.

The VMS objects are as follows:
Internal vehicle number
Action control determination - This number range is needed in transaction Define Action Control Determination.
Configuration change profile - This number range is needed in transaction Define configuration change profile

We have to create a number range for every object with interval 01, otherwise the the Vehicle Management System will not work.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Transaction VELO

Transaction VELO

Today lets see the Important Transaction Code which we use everyday

VELO is the central transaction of the Vehicle Management System and contains all the most important functions in a concise form.

Actions - Here we execute the business transactions for the chosen vehicle, for example Create Vehicle and Sales Order etc.

Let us see the usage of tab
Find - Search for vehicles that fulfill specific requirements
Overview - Hit list for the vehicle search with numerous filter options
Detail - Data for the vehicles that you have chosen in the vehicle overview
Action - Here we execute the business transactions
Assignment - Assignment of Vehicles to Sales Documents, Search for sales documents that a dealer has entered and that still do not have a reference to a vehicle and assignment of suitable vehicles from the warehouse stock or the order pipeline.
Warranty - Display of Warranty Claims for the vehicle

SAP for Automotive

Industry Whiteboard -- SAP for Automotive

also found another one video related to SAP Automotive

SAP in Automotive

SAP in Automotive: Overview Video

Main aim of this blog is to collect all the informaions related to SAP VMS

So, Today  I have found one video which is related to SAP VMS and the same can be viewed by clicking the below link.